John Reed obituary: Ferl died on Friday, December the ninth 2020, and Reed died on Wednesday the 12th 2020. They were both incredible grandparents and cherished each other.
Ferl was born on October 5, 1933 in Brigham City, Utah. she had an older sister and a step-brother. She enjoyed her dog Butch, her sister Beverly and her friends.
John Reed obituary: Wendy Ferl was a successful student who was gifted at reciting verse and wrote shorthand. She served as the yearbook supervisor for Box Senior Secondary School before marrying Reed in 1952.
As Ferl filled in as an expert secretary, she became a full-time housewife to seven kids. She was creative and her home was filled with art that she created, dresses and sweaters, needlepoint and handmade quilts.
John Reed obituary: Ferl was constantly serving her companions and neighbors as well as her family. She had a strong connection with both artforms of music and felines. In particular, she cared a lot about roses. She also served in the Boston Mission and helped neighboring Lowell which is where she will be remembered most often.
Reed (the youngest of 10 kids) was brought into the world on January 25, 1929 in Salt Lake City, Utah to William Vosco Call and Mary Lucretia “Mamie” Peters. Reed would always head back home from school to have lunch with his mom, but she’d get mad at him for bringing his pet monkey!
John Reed obituary: Reed ran the projector for a theater, served as a missionary in Eastern Canada, and trained as a boxer before eventually becoming a college wrestling champion.