Segmenting your audience is essential when advertising and marketing your business on social medial platform.

There are so many social media platforms to choose from, which one should you focus on? This question becomes more difficult when you consider that different social platforms work better for different businesses. So how do you know which platform is best for yours?

In this guide, we’ll explore the three most popular social media platforms for businesses: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

We’ll look at each platform’s features and how they can benefit your business. At the end, we’ll help you decide which platform is best for you.

What are the most popular social media platforms for businesses?

The three most popular social media platforms for businesses are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Facebook is the most popular social media platform for businesses, with more than 2.934 billion monthly active users. It’s a great platform for businesses that want to build relationships with their customers and create a community around their brand.


  • A news feed where businesses can post updates, articles, and other content.
  • A profile page where for businesses you can share information about their company.
  • Groups, which are a great way for businesses to create communities and build relationships with their customers.
  • Events, which can be used to promote and sell tickets to events.
  • Pages, which businesses can use to share information about their products and services.
  • Advertising, which businesses can use to reach a larger audience.


Instagram is also a popular social media platform for businesses, especially those that want to reach a younger demographic. It has more than 2.5 billion monthly active users and is growing rapidly.


  • A feed where businesses can share photos and videos.
  • Stories, which are short videos or photos that businesses can share to promote their brand.
  • Live video, which businesses can use to connect with their audience in real-time.
  • Instagram TV, which businesses can use to share long-form videos.
  • Same as like Facebook it also has Advertising, through you businesses can use to reach a larger audience.


It has more than 310 million monthly active users and is a great way to connect with other professionals and build relationships with potential clients.


  • Mostly it has same features like above platforms but some features that makes it unique I want to share here.
  • LinkedIn users are more likely to be high-income earners and decision-makers.
  • LinkedIn is a good way to showcase your work and portfolios.
  • You can use LinkedIn to find jobs and internships.
  • LinkedIn has a robust search engine that makes it easy to find potential customers and business leads.

How to decide which social media platform is best for your business?

The best way to decide which social media platform is best for your business is to consider your goals and target audience.

If you want to build relationships with your customers and create a community around your brand, Facebook is a great choice.

If you want to reach a younger demographic, Instagram is a good option. And if you want to connect with other professionals and build relationships with potential clients, LinkedIn is perfect.

By Hassan

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