How to fix a computer that won’t turn on

If your computer won’t turn on, don’t worry – you can fix it. Computers are complex machines, and sometimes things go wrong. But with a little know-how and the help of this guide, you can get your computer up and running again in no time.

How to fix a computer that won’t turn on Step by Step Guide:

I’m going to start with the basics like checking to make sure that the power cord is plugged in properly and then move on to more advanced troubleshooting techniques.

Check the power supply

I know this may seem like a silly step, but it’s one of the most common reasons for a computer not turning on. Kindly check it, if the power cord is plugged in properly and the computer still isn’t turning on, then you’ll need to move on to more advanced troubleshooting techniques. Some of these include checking the fuse in the power supply, resetting the CMOS, hard drive, CPU, graphics card, and checking the RAM.

Let’s start to fix this problem with advanced troubleshooting techniques.

1. Check the Fuse in Power Supply

Most power supplies have a small neon light on the back that will light up when it is turned on. If it does not light up, it is likely that the fuse has blown. If fuse has blown then replace it with a new one then try again. I hope it will fix your pc problem.

2. Reset the CMOS

If the power supply is working properly and the computer still isn’t turning on, you’ll need to reset the CMOS.

You can done this by opening up your pc case, then remove the battery from your motherboard just for few minutes. Have you done it ? Now put the batter back in the same position and try turning on the pc again. If it still doesn’t work, move on to the next step.

3. Hard Drive

If the power supply is working properly and you’ve reset the CMOS, but the computer still isn’t turning on, it’s likely that there’s an issue with the hard drive. To test this, you need to disconnect the hard from the motherboard and connect it with another pc.

If you don’t have another pc use your brother or any friend, it’s just for testing purpose, so we can check whether the hard drive is working or not.

If it is working on other computer then the problem is with your pc not in hard drive. If it is not working on other pc also then hard drive is corrupted, you need to replace it with new one.

4. CPU

CPU is the main part of the computer, if it is not working then nothing will work. If you have checked all the above steps and your computer still isn’t turning on, it’s likely that the CPU is the problem. Test the CPU by removing it and then connecting it to another PC.

You have a motherboard problem, not a CPU problem, if it works on another computer. In case it doesn’t work on other computers, it means your CPU has been corrupted, it must be replaced.

5. Graphics Card

Graphics card is responsible for giving the output to the monitor. If there is any problem in graphics card then it will not display anything on monitor. For checking, graphics card is working or not, you need to connect your computer to another monitor. The same process apply here like above step: If work on another it means its perfectly fine, if not then the problem is with your graphics cards.

6. Checking RAM

The last tips I want to share with you is about checking RAM. Sometimes, the computer doesn’t turn on because there’s a problem with the RAM.

To test this, disconnect all of your RAM modules from the motherboard and connect them one at a time. If your computer turns on with one of your RAM modules removed, then you know that module is bad and needs to be replaced.


I have tried my best to explain the all tips in a very simple way, so that everyone can understand it easily. I hope this guide will help you to fix your computer not turning on problem.

By Hassan

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