Susan Menard Obituary: On Saturday, December 19, 2020, at 66 years of age, Susan A. Menard of Oxford, who was encompassed by her serious family at the hour of her passing, kicked the bucket tranquilly at her home. Susan Ashcraft was the young lady of Earthmover Gilbert Ashcraft and Anna Jennie (Eggleston) Ashcraft. She was brought into the world in Norwich on July 2, 1954.

Susan Menard Obituary: She went through her time on earth as a youth in both Sherburne and Norwich, and she acknowledged her optional school acknowledgment from Norwich Auxiliary School in 1972. Rapidly following her auxiliary school graduation, Susan pursued the nursing program at Broome Junior school. She stood firm on the traction of clinical overseer for different years.

Susan Menard Obituary: Starting there ahead, Susan worked at WT Grant’s Corporate store for quite a while, and subsequently she progressed forward toward A&P General store. Despite her situation at A&P, she was used as a correspondence through signals go between in the schools in the enveloping district. Ultimately in time, Susan transformed into a go between for the deaf working for DCMO BOCES.

Susan Menard Obituary: Most of her time was spent working in schools arranged in Norwich and Oxford. Exactly when Susan was filling in as a clinical chaperon, she once managed a patient named Keith J. Menard, who could later continue to transform into her soul mate and is at this point alive today.

Susan Menard Obituary: On August 7, Recognition spread out by De Affluxes Hardes Worldwide in 2019 is a passing and commendation news assortment organization that gives a steady movement of associations with articles that have been requested from made by immense number of different distributers and magazines.

By Hassan

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